Atrium Restaurant

Enjoy the lively ambience of this modern all-day dining establishment — Atrium Restaurant. Indulge in an extensive Halal-certified buffet that offers international fare alongside signature local dishes such as the popular Singapore chilli crab and laksa. A Prayer Room is available within the hotel, a 1-minute walk away from the restaurant.
Ongoing Offers*
1-for-1 offers for all adults
50% discount if you hold any of these credit card (AMEX, Maybank, Citibank, DBS Bank)
Children under 5 years old dine for free with every paying adult 

Buffet Dining Hours
Breakfast (Mon-Fri): 6am to 10am (last replenishment: 9.30am)
Breakfast (Sat-Sun): 6am to 10.30am (last replenishment: 10am)
Lunch: 12pm to 2.30pm (last replenishment: 2pm)
Dinner (Sun-Thurs): 6pm to 10pm (last replenishment: 9.30pm)
Dinner (Fri-Sat): 6pm to 10.30pm (including eve of Public Holiday and Public Holiday)

A La Carte Dining Hours
Breakfast (daily): 6am to 11am (last order: 10.30am)
Lunch & Dinner (daily): 11am to 10.30pm (last order: 10.00pm)

Level 4

Seating capacity: 200

*Terms & conditions apply.

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